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Welsh Key Stage 4

The GCSE specification in Welsh second language will enable candidates to:
• Understand and use the language for a variety of purposes and audiences.
• Develop language learning skills and strategies in order to enable candidates to communicate and interact confidently and spontaneously in relevant situations and specified context.
• Develop language learning skills and strategies to enable candidates to develop their grasp Welsh further.
• Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in an integrated manner, emphasizing listening and speaking skills.
• Use Welsh in further studies, in the workplace and in their communities.
• Develop curiosity about the Welsh language.

The course

The qualification is made up of four units: Unit 1 and Unit 2 are non-examination speaking and listening assessments. Unit 3 and Unit 4 are reading and writing examinations. The course is suitable for teaching over two years within 120 guided learning hours. The context for learning the language is organized under three broad themes:


Pupils will have come across these during their studies at KS3 and therefore should have a good base of knowledge to then build upon at GCSE.


Unit 1: Oracy response to visual material

Assessment: 6 – 8 minutes (pair)
25% of qualification 50 marks 1 task
(10%) Speaking (15%) Listening

The assessment will consist of two parts which are to be carried out in the following order:
• Watch a visual clip (twice) and fill in a sheet while listening to the stimulus.
• Discussion between the pair/group on what was watched.


Unit 2: Communicate with others 

assessment: 6 – 8 minutes (pair) 

25% of qualification 50 marks        1 task

(20%) Speaking (5%) Listening

A task for a pair/ group of three based on the stimuli provided by the WJEC to stimulate discussion. 


Unit 3 Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes

25% of qualification 100 marks.

(15%) – Reading (10%) – Writing 

Reading and writing tasks with non-verbal and written responses, including one translation task from English to Welsh and a proofreading. 


Unit 4: Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes

25% of qualification 100 marks.

(10%) – Reading (15%) – Writing

Reading and writing tasks with non-verbal and written responses. 


The GCSE course will allow you to go onto study A-level and AS-level courses in Welsh Second Language which could lead to access onto a Welsh Language Degree Course at University. 

Opting for Full Course Welsh will also be very useful to anybody considering a career in the public sector in Wales and an increasing number of private sector companies in Wales have also adopted a Welsh Language Policy making this qualification more valuable than ever. The ability to teach basic Welsh is almost a prerequisite in Primary Teaching and a knowledge of Welsh would benefit anyone interested in almost any field, especially: education; publishing; journalism; tourism; secretarial work; office work; retail; industry; banking and so on. 

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