Uniform | Gwisg Ysgol

School uniform grant – school year September 2022 to June 2023

The grant is available for children who are currently entitled to free school meals.


Every pupil in year 7 to 13 is, expected to wear the correct uniform.  Having a school uniform contribute to the tone of the school and good order.

After consultation with staff, pupils, parents and carers, and in anticipation of warmer weather to come, it has been agreed that pupils will be given the option to wear smart, black, tailored shorts as an alternative to black trousers or skirts. Examples of acceptable tailored shorts are shown in the images here. Pupils will be allowed to wear these shorts after Easter for the Summer term onwards.

Several other schools in Swansea now allow pupils to wear smart, tailored shorts. They can be purchased through the uniform supplier Bergoni, or most other school uniform stockists including supermarkets.

School Uniform

Key Stage 3-4

The school uniform for years 7-11 is as follows:

  • Black sweatshirt with school badge.
  • White school polo shirt with badge OR Plain white polo shirt.
  • Plain, black trousers OR Plain black skirt.
  • Plain, black, footwear with black soles and no visible markings.
  • Sensible coat.

The following items are not permitted as school uniform and not allowed in school.

  • No hooded tops or cardigans
  • No jumpers or polo shirts with a logo other than a school badge
  • No jeans, legging or jogging bottoms
  • No jewellery (with the exception of a watch and small stud earrings which are permitted)
  • No facial piercings including tongue piercings
  • Hair should be predominantly of one natural colour and not dyed with bright or unnatural colours which stand out.

Sixth Form

We are proud of our Sixth Form students. We want them to stand out as our Leading students in the school.

We want our younger children to look up to them and to see them as the type of young adults they can aspire to be.

For that reason, we need them to be Smart and to stand out from the crowd around the school.

The Dress Code is simple and clear:

  • Plain white shirt with a collar and a school tie.
  • Plain black trousers or knee length skirt
  • Plain black footwear with black soles
  • V- neck jumper.
PE Kit

Key Stage 3 PE Kit

• Royal Blue P.E. T-Shirt / Blue Long Sleeve Top
• Black shorts or black leggings
• Trainers suitable for sporting activities
• Bathing costume / Swimming trunks.

Key Stage 4 PE Kit

• Royal blue polo T-shirt/GCSE PE Black T-shirt
• Black shorts or leggings
•Trainers suitable for sporting activities

Key Stage 5 PE Kit

• Plain black t-shirt
• Plain black bottoms (shorts or leggings)