Yr Adran Gymraeg | The Welsh Department

Head of Department:  Mrs S. Reed

Departmental Vision | Gweledigaeth yr Adran

The Welsh language is one of the treasures of Wales. The Welsh Department strives to nurture learners’ pride in their sense of identity and belonging to Wales and the world. The Welsh department helps learners to develop an appreciation for the Welsh language and culture, inspiring them to continue using and learning the language in the future.

Intentions | Amcanion

Pupils will be able to understand and use Welsh with increasing confidence in a variety of settings, such as socialising, in work, and further education. Pupils will develop their proficiency in understanding spoken and written Welsh, and will become competent bi-lingual communicators with a deep appreciation for the Welsh language and culture, which will encourage them to continue learning and using the language in the future.

Key Stage 3

During transition we visit Primary schools with our Key Stage 4 students and hold Welsh workshops lead by the pupils. This provides Year 5 & 6 pupils with an insight into the subject before joining us in September.

We cover a variety of topics at Key Stage 3 including ‘area, sport, hobbies, school, holidays, time and daily routine’. The pupils work through the curriculum building on their Welsh vocabulary, grammar and fluency in preparation for their GCSE which is now sat by every student in Wales.

Within Keys Stage 3 pupils have the opportunity to experience Welsh outside the classroom I.e. Eisteddford, Shwmae Day, Llangrannog, Glanllyn. These provide enrichment for their overall Welsh education.

Key Stage 4

All pupils at Key Stage 4 are required to complete a Welsh qualification.

The GCSE specification in Welsh second language will enable candidates to:

  • Understand and use the language for a variety of purposes and audiences.
  • Develop language learning skills and strategies in order to enable candidates to communicate and interact confidently and spontaneously in relevant situations and specified context.
  • Develop language learning skills and strategies to enable candidates to develop their grasp Welsh further.
  • Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in an integrated manner, emphasizing listening and speaking skills.
  • Use Welsh in further studies, in the workplace and in their communities.
  • Develop curiosity about the Welsh language.

The course

The qualification is made up of four units: Unit 1 and Unit 2 are non-examination speaking and listening assessments. Unit 3 and Unit 4 are reading and writing examinations. The course is suitable for teaching over two years within 120 guided learning hours. The context for learning the language is organized under three broad themes:


Pupils will have come across these during their studies at KS3 and therefore should have a good base of knowledge to then build upon at GCSE.

Key stage 5

Would you like to be part of the Welsh Government Strategy to get 1,000,000 Welsh speakers by 2050?

Then come and join us and continue your bilingual journey with our AS/A Level group. This course places a large emphasis on developing oral skills, on looking at the history of the Welsh language and its presence in the community and in society.

Where can this course take me?

This course will allow you to develop and improve your bilingual skills, will teach you about the history of the language and will open your mind to new possibilities of including the Welsh language in your future. This course will further your ability and confidence to communicate more accurately and fluently both orally and in writing in a wide range of situations. Many of our students in recent years have chosen to pursue their study of Welsh at University. The ability to use Welsh can be a useful skill in so many career paths: Education, Child Care, Media, Performing Arts, Technology, Tourism, and Leisure.

Extra Curriculum

We make it a priority to provide fun and enjoyable activities that punctuate the year.  We strive to ensure that the children have opportunity to undertake their educational development in a fully inclusive environment.

Year 7 and 8 have the opportunity to attend a fun filled Welsh weekend in Llangrannog. Activities include, skiing, tobogganing, go karts, trampoline, quad biking, horse riding, team building activities, bush skills, swimming, archery, high ropes and many more.

Year 10 and 11 pupils enjoy a jam-packed weekend full of fun and adventure on the Welsh activity trip to Glan Llyn. Activities include gorge walking, kayaking, the high rope course, orienteering on the lake, raft building and many more.

On March 1st, we celebrated St David’s Day by holding an Eisteddfod for pupils in years 7, 8 and 9. The day is filled with many competitions on the stage including Welsh, English and French recitation, dancing, singing and instrumental items. Pupils enter competitions in all subject areas and points are gained for their house for every entry. It is always a very successful day and all pupils and staff enjoy the experience!

On October 15th the whole of Wales celebrates Shwmae Day.  It is an opportunity to have fun and share the language. Here at Morriston Comprehensive School we encouraged all to greet each other with “shwmae” and celebrate being Welsh.  During the day pupils complete quizzes, a Welsh treasure hunt and a variety of competitions within the school.

Meet the Team

Meet the Team

Head of Department – Mrs S. Reed

Teacher – Miss S. Owen

Teacher – Mr R. Granvill

Assistant Headteacher/ Teacher – Dr S. Williams

We are a cohesive team that facilitate a very supportive and positive learning environment. Welsh is a successful and important subject taught across all Key stages.

The Welsh department comprises of three teachers; two full time and one part time specialist. We work collaboratively to provide an ambitious, enthusiastic, supportive and enjoyable ambiance.  All staff teach across the full ability and age range, and contribute to innovative and challenging schemes of work.

The department has a bank of 30 student iPads with internet access which we incorporate into our S.O.W. ensuring there are digital tasks for all year groups every half term.