A-Level – Media Studies


The course is designed to allow you to draw on your experience and enjoyment of the media and to respond critically to it. You will explore a wide variety of media, including digital media technologies, and study media texts, industry and audiences.

Entry Requirements –

5 A*-C grades or equivalent at GCSE

Course Overview

Skills – Creative work is an important part of the course, enabling you to develop your own production work and skills. At A2 you have the opportunity to research a media topic of your choice and create production texts inspired by your increasing knowledge of Media Studies. Written responses are also very important in both the AS and A2 exams, and especially in the A2 investigative essay.


AS Unit 1: Investigating the Media: Written examination: 2hrs 30mins 24% of qualification 100 marks

The exam consists of three sections.

Section A: Selling Images – Advertising and Music Video- This section assesses knowledge and understanding of media language, representation and audiences in relation to advertising or music video. There is one question based on unseen print or audio-visual resource material.

Section B: News in the Online Age- This section assesses knowledge and understanding of media language, representation, media industries and audiences. There is one two-part question requiring reference to the set news products studied.

Section C: Film Industries – from Ales to Hollywood- This section assesses knowledge and understanding of media language, media industries and audiences. There is one two-part question requiring reference to the set films studied.

AS Unit 2: Creating a Media Production: Non-exam assessment 16% of qualification 80 marks A level (the above plus a further 2 units)

A2 UNIT 3: Media in the Global Age: Written Examination: 2hrs 30mins 36% of qualification 90 marks
Section A: Television in the Global Age- There is one question from a choice of two based on the set television programmes studied.

Section B: Magazines- Changing Representations- There is one question from a choice of two based on the set magazine studied.

Section C: Media in the Digital Age – Video Games – There is one question from a choice of two based on the set video games studied.

A2 Unit 4 Creating a Cross Media Production: Non-exam assessment 24% of qualification 80 marks


A level Media Studies builds on your informal learning and prior experience of media in key stages 1 to 4. This course is a suitable foundation for the study of Media Studies or a related area in a range of higher education degree courses; progression to the next level of applied qualification (e.g. some degree and HND courses); or direct entry into employment. It also provides a coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course to study for those who do not progress to further study in this subject. You should have at least a C grade in English.