Yr Adran Ieithioedd Rhyngwladol | International Languages Department | Departamento de Idiomas Internacionales


Departmental Vision | Gweledigaeth yr Adran  

As an international languages department we aim to instil a love of language learning in all pupils, celebrating pupils’ home languages and promoting cultural awareness and global citizenship.

Intentions | Amcanion

Through developing an understanding of international languages, terminology themes and explicit teaching of grammar, etymology and the similarities and differences between Spanish, Welsh, English and other languages pupils will develop their communication skills and confidence to engage with the world around them. Learning to communicate effectively in Spanish will be useful in travel and in future work experiences.


Key Stage 3

In Key Stage 3, we strive to engage pupils through a range of fun and innovative activities. At the end of Key Stage 3, pupils are able to read about, write about, listen to extracts and talk in some detail about such topics as themselves, their day, their free time activities, food and drink, their town, family and job aspirations in Spanish. Following the Curriculum for Wales we also look at life in Spanish and Spanish-speaking countries. We reinforce cross-curricular links with English, Welsh and other languages.  Pupils have access to department iPads where they play games and make use of language apps and websites to enhance their learning and experience Spanish in real-life situations.


Key Stage 4

Pupils can continue with their Modern Language at GCSE where they simply build on topics learned in previous years whilst continuing to develop their key skills every lesson. Key Stage 4 pupils from 2024 will be able to study GCSE Spanish, which encourages them to enjoy and benefit from language learning and be inspired, by following a broad, worthwhile course. Learners recognize that their language knowledge, understanding and skills help them to take their place in a multilingual global society. The content studied includes: Self and relationships, health and fitness, studies, future plans and jobs, your area, holidays and global issues. Pupils use iPads regularly for vocabulary games, self-correcting grammar websites and flashcard apps.


European Day of Languages: Around 26th September each year, we celebrate the European Day of Languages in the ML Department, through quizzes, food tasting, dressing up, cake making, fascinating language facts etc. A fantastic day, enjoyed by all, where we celebrate the culture and language of other countries.

Languages Breakfast: Every half term, ML teachers nominate their ‘Pupil of the Term’, who receive an invite for them and a friend to a free language breakfast at break time in the French classroom. Here, pupils can celebrate their well-deserved achievement, while tucking in to croissants, pains au chocolat and jus d’orange!  Miam miam!

Meet the team

As experienced language teachers, our aim is to make language learning fun, but progressive and we always research the latest methods in language learning.

Mr. F. Gil Canovas (Department Leader) was born in Cartagena, Spain, and studied English Language and Literature in Swansea University, before completing an MA in Translation (Spanish). He worked for 16 years in St. Joseph’s – Port Talbot as a Spanish teacher, after studying for his PGCE in Swansea Met. He loves all sports, especially football and tennis, and he is captain of the Veterans Second Team at David Lloyd Swansea.

Mrs V Staddon (Head of WBQ) studied French and German in Morriston Comprehensive at O level and A level. Went to Cardiff University to study French and English Language. Spent year abroad in Thouars, France, before completing a PGCE in MFL.

Mrs K Brown studied French and German at Afon Taf High School, studied MFL in Secondary Education at UWIC Cardiff and then taught French at Mountain Ash Comprehensive School. Following a move to the North East of England, she taught French and German at Egglescliffe Academy before returning to Wales and to Morriston Comprehensive to teach French and Spanish.