Textiles | Tecstiliau

DEPARTMENT LEADER: Mr. Nathan Williams

Subject Overview

Design and Technology is a unique subject in the curriculum that allows pupils to apply themselves both in a written and practical environment.  Pupils will have the opportunity to learn new skills in different disciplines covered within the subject.  These include Product Design, Textiles, Engineering, Creative Media and Construction.

The subjects allow pupils to apply innovative thinking to ideas to produce products and outcomes that can have an impact on a user.  The subject opens opportunities for pupils to design clothing, products, engineered parts and graphic products to communicate ideas and develop skills.

Key Stage 3

Pupils in year’s 7-9 will have the opportunity to learn new skills and apply them to a range of design and make projects.  A wide range of written, designing and practical tasks are undertaken to give the pupils the best possible experience of Technology.  Pupils will cover a range of skills including using the sewing machines, hand sewing, batik, quilting, heat transfer printing and construction.

These skills will be used to produce a range of modern products that will engage pupils. Currently pupils are making bags and cushion covers.  The knowledge and skills that pupils develop here will feed directly into GCSE Textile Design.

Key Stage 4

Textile Design offers a unique opportunity in the curriculum for candidates to identify and solve real problems by designing and making products and garments.  GCSE Textile Design develops candidates’ capacity for imaginative, innovative thinking, creativity and independence.

Pupils will have the opportunity to analyse and evaluate situations, design and make products, and then appraise their own performance. They will be provided with the opportunity to work with a range of materials, equipment and processes. These include sewing machines, embroidery machines, printing process, CAD/CAM, and hand skills.

Meet the team

Mr. Nathan Williams Product Design and Construction

Mr. Tomos Davies – Textiles

Mr. Andy Banbury – Creative Media

Mr. Lawrence Sutton – Engineering