Transition | Pontio

Transition at Morriston Comprehensive is extensive with input from all staff at the school. We understand that being welcomed into our community can be an exciting and daunting time for pupils and parents alike. This next step in a young person’s life is of the utmost importance to us and over the years we have built a very successful transition programme to ensure that all pupils feel happy and at ease when that first day of Secondary School arrives.

The communication we have with the Cluster Primary Schools allows us to get to know the pupils, prepare them for joining us, as well as build their confidence and understanding towards the changes ahead.

Throughout years 5 and 6, pupils from our Cluster Primary schools will be invited to Morriston to take part in workshops, transition projects, team building exercises and the all important transition days. This is where they will get to know our fantastic staff, build new friendships and familiarize themselves with the outstanding facilities we have to offer. They will also get the opportunity to have taster lessons with our excellent staff. Some members of our teaching staff are also given the opportunity to visit the Primary Schools to teach engaging lessons through drama, music, literacy, and rugby to name a few.

Parents will similarly be invited to attend our hugely successful Open Evening, where they themselves can discover the incredible facilities at Morriston Comprehensive School, find out what opportunities their children will be able to access, as well as meet staff and talk through any worries or concerns.

At Morriston, we are confident that pupils can flourish with the support and guidance from our fantastic staff. We have an excellent team who will ensure that pupils are engaged in the topics, become confident in their ability and strive to be independent learners who achieve excellence for themselves.


If your child is nearing the end of Key stage 3 they are about to make the most important decisions of their school life. The choices made about what subjects to study for the next two years may well have a major bearing on their future career and employment. It is vital that pupils make informed and considered decisions and they fully understand the requirements of the courses. As parents you have a very important role in helping and guiding your child during this process. You will be provided with a Year 9 Options Brochure in February which will provide detailed information about the many subjects we offer and to explain the range of qualifications available.

All pupils starting in Year 10 in September will take two-year courses leading to GCSE or BTEC equivalent. Most of our courses are Level 2.

Level 2 qualifications – allow pupils to achieve grades A* – C

Level 1 qualification – allow pupils to achieve grades D – G

Your child will follow a curriculum made up of the following: Core Subjects Option A Option B Option C Welsh Bacc Compulsory RS PE PSE & Welsh Core Subjects

All pupils in Wales are expected to study English, Mathematics, Science, along with Welsh (2nd language) RE, PE and PSE to the age of 16. English, Mathematics and Science Core subjects offer the possibility of gaining two GCSE equivalent in each core subject.

In Morriston, we also offer the opportunity for pupils to take RE, Welsh or Triple Science to GCSE. Every child in Wales will also be expected to study for the Welsh Baccalaureate. There are timetabled Welsh baccalaureate challenge lessons that will count as a stand-alone GCSE, pupils can then achieve the full Welsh Baccalaureate if they achieve A* – C passes in Maths, English and three other subjects. Option Subjects We offer a wide range of GCSE and vocational BTEC courses at Key stage 4. The majority of students usually take one vocational course, these courses are equivalent to GCSE qualifications and recognized by employers, colleges and universities. In Morriston pupils will choose three option subjects, they will study each subject 5 hours a fortnight.


Morriston Comprehensive School is a very ambitious school, committed to ensuring that every student achieves their full potential. This year we are delighted to continue our new sixth form partnership with Bishop Vaughan Comprehensive School. This is a very exciting development for this side of Swansea. This will allow students to access a wider range of courses that will be delivered in both schools. A minibus will transfer the pupils between the schools.

We believe that progressing into Morriston sixth form is the best option for the great majority of our students. Our sixth form provides the guarantee of high quality subject choices, delivered by staff that know your children, offer familiar teaching and learning styles and set high expectations. We also fully appreciate the need to support and nurture our students and provide a very effective and caring pastoral system that will monitor progress and ensure they achieve their full potential. It is a cliché, but none the less true, that the step up from GCSE to Post 16 is the hardest and biggest step students will make. In Morriston we ensure that the courses your child chooses are suitable and will provide the ideal progression to their chosen career path or university course.