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Y Ddraig Goch

Cafodd Bl 7 amser anhygoel yn gwylio perfformiad “Y Ddraig Goch” ym Mhontardawe. Llwyddiant mawr! Ar ddydd Mawrth, 15fed Hydref, a dydd Mercher, 16eg Hydref, aeth yr Adran Gymraeg â 45 o ddisgyblion i Ganolfan Celfyddydau Pontardawe i wylio Y Ddraig Goch, a ysgrifennwyd gan Kyle Lima. Roedd y daith yn llwyddiant ysgubol, gyda’r holl […]

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Glan-Llyn Trip

Penwythnos yma Medi 20fed -22ain, aeth 30 ddisgybl Bl 9, 10, ac 11 i Lan-llyn yng Ngogledd Cymru ar antur fythgofiadwy gyda’r adran Gymraeg. Roedd y penwythnos yn llawn gweithgareddau cyffrous, yn dechrau gyda’r wal dringo ac adeiladu rafft (roedd rhai rafftiau yn well nag eraill, haha!). Cafodd y disgyblion cyfle i canŵio, ymgaisio saethyddiaeth, cyfeiriannu, […]

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6th Form Business Trip

6th Form Business Trip A group of enthusiastic pupils from our school’s 6th form embarked on an exciting business trip to Stadium on the 19th March 2024. The trip was meticulously planned by Roger Goodwin of the Swansea City Supporter’s Trust. Our pupils were treated to a stadium tour of areas that are usually […]

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Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine

As cases of measles increase across the UK, Swansea Bay University Health Board is encouraging children, teenagers and adults who have not had two doses of the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine to arrange vaccination with their GP as soon as possible. The MMR vaccine is safe and effective, and protects against measles, mumps […]

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Transition at Morriston Comprehensive School

Find all the information here about transitioning from Key Stage 2 all the way to Key Stage 5

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Curriculum for Wales

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