Art & Design | Celf & Dylunio


Subject Overview

The Art Department aims to make the arts accessible, nurturing creativity, resilience, and self-esteem. We strive to create a stimulating and attractive environment to empower learners to explore and develop their creative potential, fostering a lifelong engagement with the arts.

Our goal is to unveil the vast spectrum of art, emphasizing its significance in the wider world and its integral role in various industries. By exploring a range of artistic disciplines, from digital design to traditional painting, we aim to broaden learners’ perspectives on art. Our curriculum is carefully crafted to not only hone artistic skills but also to instil an understanding of art’s cultural and societal impact. Through this approach, students are encouraged to express themselves uniquely, engage critically with the world around them, and appreciate the transformative power of art in society.

Key Stage 3

In years 7 through to 9 it is the art departments aim to give the pupils opportunities to practice skills in a whole range of art forms from the basics of drawing and painting to three-dimensional design, illustration and many more. Each term we look at a different scheme of work which is carefully put together to capture the interests of the pupils and relate to all pupils. We study exciting contemporary and Welsh artists working today, with a focus on the skills framework including digital competency, literacy and numeracy skills.

Key Stage 4

At key stage 4 we offer both Art & Design and Photography at GCSE. Both courses consist of a portfolio (coursework) unit and an externally set assignment ending in a 10 hour exam.
Art & Design:
The Art & Design GCSE course involves more than just learning and developing practical skills. It will help you notice, question and control the appearance of everything around us. The course covers the following: Drawing, Painting, Illustration, Graphics, Printmaking, 3D Studies-Clay/Sculpture. Pupils create a portfolio of artwork to show-off their making, contextual understanding, reflective recording and personal presentational skills.


The Photography GCSE allows pupils to develop and explore a range of skills to develop understanding of photography: taking photographs, editing and techniques used to develop and present a thorough portfolio of work. We focus on a variety of exciting workshops using Adobe Photoshop.

Extra-Curricular / Trips

We encourage pupils to visit local galleries and museums such as the Glyn Vivian, Mission and Attic Gallery. However, we also run an annual trip to London’s Tate Modern/Tate Britain Galleries.
London Tate Trip: Held end of November/Start of December (annually) for Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils.
Pupils have the opportunity to experience art and photography work from some of the world’s finest artists on display at both the Tate Modern on London’s Embankment and Tate Modern in Westminster.

Meet the team

Head of art and Leader of Expressive Art : Mrs C. Callaghan

Mrs Callaghan has been working at Morrison Comprehensive school since 2008. She is dedicated to the development of all students’ creative skills. Her aim is to inspire students with her own love of the creative arts. She strives to include all and encourage positivity in Art & Design. She has built up a successful art department with help of her colleague Miss A. Jones.

Teacher of Art/ Progress Leader: Miss A. Green

Miss A. Green has worked at Morriston Comprehensive school since 2009. As well as being a dedicated Art Teacher she has been head of year since 2013. Her love of art and design enables her to share a wealth of knowledge with her students. Along with Mrs C. Callaghan, both members of the department strive to provide the best possible Art experience for students at Morriston Comprehensive School.