Transition at Morriston Comprehensive School

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Girls Welsh Football Academy Success

After weeks of trials and very hard work, Year 8 pupil Gracie has been offered a place in the FAW Girls Welsh Football Academy!! Gracie has worked extremely hard with hours of dedicated training and fantastic talent she has been invited to join the Academy. We wish her every success going forward and look forward […]

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Letter to Parents / Carers – June 2021

Dear Parent / Carer, I hope you and your family are well. As we enter the second half of this term I want to write to update you about some changes and updates that will affect you and your child. Read more….

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US Girls

Dear Parent/Guardian, I have been passed on some information from ‘Us Girls’ regarding some fun activities taking place for free over May Half Term. If you are interested at all, please follow the links for more information or to sign up.   Us Girls Camps We are excited to be able to deliver our popular […]

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Eisteddfod 2021


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Morriston Comprehensive School Centre Policy

Centre Policy on Assessment and Quality Assurance Processes for the Summer 2021 Alternative Arrangements     Click on the document below to view…

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Return to school letter – 18-03-21

Dear Parent / Carer, Following Mr Franklin’s letter last week regarding the return to school, I want to give you more detail about the return of Years 9, 8 and 7. As stated by the Welsh Government, Key Stage 3 pupils will have the opportunity to attend school for a ‘catch up’ day before the […]

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