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Going to University?

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Going to University?

Dear Parents and Carers of year 12,

How does the university application process work? Can we afford it? What financial support is available? What are the alternatives to university? Is it worth it?

If these are questions that you have pondered, then please join us at an in-person talk about all things university on June 23rd between 6 and 7pm in our Theatre.

We will aim to give you a complete outline of the UCAS university application process and how you can be better informed to help your child navigate the choices presented to them post 18.

We will also outline the support and guidance that we will be providing in school for the whole of year 12 and how you can help them keep on track through the summer of year 12 after their AS exams and into starting year 13 A level courses.

The talk will be led by Miss Richmond, our Deputy Headteacher who will also share contact details of our Careers advisor, Mr R. Anderson to answer any wider questions you may have.

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