Science Key Stage 4

Double Science


Studying GCSE Science (Double Award) provides the foundations for understanding the material world. Scientific understanding is changing our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and all learners are taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.

The Course

The course is split into the three discrete sciences, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Each science is taught by a specialist in that subject.

The course is allocated 9 hours of lesson time a fortnight (3 hours per subject).


All three sciences will be tested throughout the two years with external summer exams and a practical assessment. All exams are 1 hour 15 minutes and worth 80 marks.


Biology Chemistry Physics
Year 10

External Summer Exam

Unit 1: Biology 1

Cells, Organ Systems and Ecosystems



Unit 2: Chemistry 2

Chemical substances, Reactions and Essential Resources


Unit 3: Physics 1

Electricity, Energy and Waves



Year 11 External Summer Exam Unit 4: Biology 2

Variation, Homeostasis and Micro-Organisms



Unit 5: Chemistry 2 Chemical Bonding and Organic Chemistry



Unit 6: Physics 2

Forces, Space and Radioactivity



Year 11 Practical Exam Unit 7: Practical Assessment

Two Science chosen and two external exams carried out in class




Studying the Double Award science gives all pupils a good level of science knowledge with which to progress onto any chosen path post-16.


Triple Science

GCSE Triple Science gives students a good knowledge of Science by studying units extensively from each of the sciences. It is more suitable for students of higher abilities due to the academic demands of the course. Any student thinking of studying a science based subject post 16 should consider choosing Triple Science as it gives an excellent grounding.


The Course

The course is split into the three discrete sciences, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Each science is taught by a specialist in that subject.

The course is allocated 12 hours of lesson time a fortnight (4 hours per subject).


All three sciences will be tested separately throughout the two years with external summer exams and a practical assessment. All exams are 1 hour 45 minutes and worth 80 marks.


Biology Chemistry Physics
Year 10

External Summer Exam

Cells, Organ Systems and Ecosystems




Chemical substances, Reactions and Essential Resources



Electricity, Energy and Waves




Year 11 External Summer Exam Variation, Homeostasis and Micro-Organisms



Chemical Bonding and Organic Chemistry



Forces, Space and Radioactivity



Year 11 Practical Exam Two Sections carried out in class



Two sections carried out in class



Two sections carried out in class




If you’re already thinking about university and careers and are interested in science-based degrees and jobs then it is definitely worth considering taking Separate Science GCSEs. Most top universities prefer applicants for Science subjects to have taken the Triple Award option at GCSE.