SWEET | Llwyddo gyda Addysg, Gwaith ac Hyfforddiant


The SWEET course is a varied, interesting and enjoyable course. Through a series of projects, you will find yourselves challenged in a variety of ways e.g. personal confidence, team working skills, learning how you learn, presenting skills, debating and researching. You will learn how to interact in an adult like manner and are encouraged to shoulder a high level of responsibility for your learning.

Key Stage 4

The first 5 chapters are focussed on Personal and Social Education resulting in a BTEC Level 1 Certificate and include:

Personal Identity
Managing Relationships
Healthy Living
Moving Forward
Money Matters

You will be expected to complete a further 3 chapters to achieve a Level 2 certificate, which is equivalent to a full GCSE (A* – C grade). These chapters include:

Enterprise & Employability
Global Citizenship

Meet the team

Mrs S. Morgan
Mrs D. John


Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6


Key Stage 4

Option Subject Option Subject Option Subject Option Subject Option Subject Option Subject
Year 10 Chapter 1 Understanding Personal Identity  

Chapter 2 Personal & Social Relationships


Chapter 3

Healthy Lifestyles

Chapter 4 Working Towards Goals Chapter 5

Money Matters


Complete any missing work


Year 11 Chapter 6

Global Citizenship

Chapter 7 Community


Chapter 8

Enterprise & Employability.

Complete any missing work