2Km Challenge

Current Dragons, Wales, Lions and former student Ross Moriarty is setting you the 2km challenge.

You must walk/run 2km as fast as possible and record your time and then email it to Miss Norkett- [email protected] .

The winner will receive a signed Wales shirt.

You can record your times and distance through the app “Strava” on your mobile phones( free to download). Take a picture and email your times to Miss Norkett.

January Letter to Parents

Happy new year to all our students and parents. I have waited until today to write to you in the hope that I would have more information and clarity regarding how school will operate this half term.

Today the Education Minister for wales has announced that students will continue to stay home and learn remotely until at least the 29th January

Download the letter to read more…

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Letter to Parent / Carer – 05.01.2020

As you will already be aware, the Swansea approach to returning to schools in January had been revised, with us delaying the return to face-to-face learning until 11 January at the earliest. Last night the Welsh Government, in consultation with the WLGA and Colegau Cymru, has agreed that all schools, colleges and independent schools should move to online learning until  January 18th.  Open the document to read more…

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Prizes were given at the end of the term for pupils in every year group. Awards were given for the pupils who have improved the most throughout the year, for 100% attendance and the most improved attendance as well as pupils who have gone over and above throughout the academic year so far. See information attached for prize winners. Pupils who were not in school to collect the prizes (due to self-isolation) will be having them delivered by the wellbeing officers this week.

Congratulations to all of the pupils named and, as always in Morriston, there were so many other pupils nominated for awards, it demonstrates the superb young people in the school.

Enjoy the Christmas holiday, stay safe and a we wish you and your families a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.


On Thursday 10th December 2020 Morriston Comprehensive School took part in a Christmas Jumper Day. The school raised £252.98 for charity and the money donated will be split between Save the Children and the Swansea Food bank. They will receive £100 and £152.98 respectively.

In addition to the monetary donation to the food bank, the pupils in all year groups have been collecting food to be able to donate to the food bank. The collection of food is being collected on Wednesday by Swansea Food bank.

The sixth form have also bought and delivered 50 selection boxes delivered to the children in Morriston Hospital’s Oakwood ward. The children and staff were very grateful for the presents.

A chilly trip to Mewslade Bay with Y12 Geographers


On Friday year 12 geographers visited Mewslade Bay as part of their topic on Glaciated Landscapes.

The trip started with a ‘near-miss’ as Mr Todd, driving the school minibus dropped us off and left before we’d gathered our clipboards and equipment. Luckily, he returned a few minutes later.

The trip began with a 1/2 mile walk down Mewslade Valley from Pitton Cross. Here, students gained a good vantage point to observe the asymmetrical dry valley at Mewslade and learnt about how it formed during the last Ice Age. Next the students learnt about the formation of the scree slope at Mewslade and conducted a series of surveys to explore its structure and the role of freeze-thaw weathering. Students descended the scree slopes measuring the size and roundness of scree ‘clasts’ as well as the percentage of vegetation coverage. They will present these finding in class using a range of graphs and charts and use them to answer a series of research questions.

Following the scree survey, we ate packed lunches sat on the bank in the sunshine before walking, or rather ‘slipping’, our way along the 2mile stretch of coastal path to Rhossili, where we were collected.

Thanks to all the students involved who were keen and enthusiastic throughout, to Mr Todd for driving the minibus and to Nick Felstead, Lecturer in Physical Geography at Swansea University, who helped us out on the day too.

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Skate Park

Harri Williams in Year 7 wrote to Swansea City Council to ask if we could have a mobile skate park in the school or local community as he felt that it would be fun for him and the other pupils. This letter explains about the important of making pupils more active. Swansea City Council replied and told him how impressed they were with the letter (see attached) and put  him in contact with Jenna Thomas (5×60 officer) who has organised for the mobile skate park to come into MCS after school.

Last night 6 boys completed a trial session using the mobile skate park at the back of the school. This was something that they thoroughly enjoyed and is going to happen again next week for Year 8 pupils. Thanks to Harri’s letter the 5×60 officer is hoping to offer the mobile skate park on a weekly basis.

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Morriston Comprehensive Advent Calendar

We are pleased to announce that the Morriston Comprehensive Advent Calendar will begin on Tuesday 1st December.

 Every pupil in registration at 8.40 will receive a raffle ticket and will write their name and form on it.

 Form captains will then collect the raffle tickets and deliver them to the Wellbeing office – each year group will have a designated box.

 There will be a draw at 2.45pm each day and one lucky pupil from each year group will have a prize delivered to class.

On December 20th all pupils with excellent attendance throughout December will be entered in to a draw.

One pupil from each year group will win a Christmas hamper for their family.

One pupil will also have the chance to win a mystery prize!