Swansea Schools Stand Up for Ukraine

Dear Parent/Carer,

Swansea Schools Stand Up for Ukraine 

Morriston Comprehensive will be taking part in raising money for Ukraine alongside other Swansea schools. This will take place on Thursday 10th March, and will be a non-school uniform day.

Pupils and staff are asked to wear something you already have in yellow or blue (PE tops can be an option). We are asking for £1 contribution if possible.  All money collected will be sent to the Ukraine crisis through the Red Cross DEC Appeal.

Thank you for your support.


Dear Parent / Carer

I want to update you on changes we have received from Welsh Government regarding Covid guidelines in schools.

Wales completed the move to Alert Level Zero on 28 January. Welsh Government have stated that case rates of Covid-19 have reduced from the levels seen around the Christmas and New Year period, and now appear to have stabilised. Although community rates remain at high levels, the progress made by the vaccination programme means that hospital admissions and direct harms are much lower than what has been seen during previous waves of the virus.

Because of this, WG have recommended a cautious approach, where all schools move to ‘High risk’ level and implement the following changes commencing after half term. (Tuesday March 1st)

  • Staff and secondary-aged learners are encouraged to use Lateral Flow Tests (LFTs) twice a week. (This advice does not impact on arrangements for those identified as contacts of positive cases, who we advise to use LFTs each day for 7 days or those who have symptoms, who should self-isolate and arrange a PCR test as soon as possible).
  • Pupils will not be required to wear face coverings in classrooms, although learners can continue to wear a face covering if they wish.
  • Pupils, staff and visitors are still expected to wear face coverings when moving around indoor communal areas outside of the classroom, such as corridors, where physical distance cannot be maintained.

I hope this clarifies the Covid situation for the beginning of the next half term. I will notify you immediately if we receive any further information from the local authority or Welsh Government.

We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday, March 1st following our inset day on the 28th of February.



M Franklin


Letter from Director of Education

I last wrote to you in December 2021 indicating that all schools in Swansea would be in a very high-risk level from January 2022. I need to tell you that our schools are still operating within the very high-risk level. Schools will use the highest control measures possible until 18 February, at least. Wales is at alert level zero, our schools are not. During January we saw the rate of Covid cases across Swansea schools increase on…



In Y5 and thinking of coming to Morriston Comp but you don’t attend one of our feeder primaries?

In Y5 and thinking of coming Morriston Comp but you don’t attend one of our feeder primaries?

​Why not drop in and see us on Wednesday December 8th at 5pm to find out more.  The Headteacher is delighted to invite you to visit the school and take a look around our facilities .  Follow the EventBrite link below to book your family’s place.


Important Covid-19 Information

This letter is to inform you of the current situation in Morriston Comprehensive School relating to the pandemic.
As you are aware, the Covid case rate is high locally and this has, as was inevitable, impacted adversely on staffing
levels at our school as well as upon pupil absence rates.
Most schools throughout the Local Authority are now in the position where the numbers of pupils testing positive for
Covid within the first half term exceeded or even doubled the number that had done so across the whole of the last
academic year. The same is true, in many of our schools, of the teaching and support staff


Welsh Youth Parliament

Become a member of the Welsh Youth Parliament (WYP)

​Elections are being held to choose the next young people to lead discussions on the issues which matter to them. 

​The first Welsh Youth Parliament elections were held in 2018 and following a further consultation with young people, and passionate speeches by all WYPMs in the Senedd Chamber. Littering and Plastic Waste, Life Skills in the Curriculum and Emotional and Mental Health Support were chosen as the three main topics the WYP would focus on. During their two year term WYPMs have successfully championed the voice of young people on these and several other issues on a national platform. You can read more about the forming of the WYP and the work done by its first elected members by visiting www.youthparliament.wales


CLICK HERE to download – Guidance for Parents, Carers, Schools & Youth Groups



A beautiful Welsh word meaning belonging of mind, body and spirit. Connected to the land, heritage and essence of a place.

This term a group of pupils from year 8 have been working with their English Teacher, Mrs Jenkins and the Arts Council of Wales to look at what this concept means to us here in Morriston.  Do we all belong? if not, why not? who or what is stopping us?  Through the project, the pupils gave very honest and open accounts of the things that they believe, have heard, seen and done through their lives and experiences so far.  They shared their thoughts and feelings and challenged their unconscious biases.  What followed has blown us away.

The pupils have created a book – yes, a whole book, full of their thoughts and voices.  We have published this book: here’s the cover and introduction to tell you more:

The book is full of poems, lyrics, information and shorts from the pupils.

The pupils have also made a film that is going to be used Nationally to highlight the issues and promote Wales’s desire to create ‘ethically informed citizens of the future’.  All we know is, if 8×1 are the future, then it’s in safe hands.

ReWise Visit

We were fortunate enough to be joined by ReWise Learning last Thursday. Some of our Year 7 and 8 pupils took part in a ‘Learn Thru Music’ course.

The pupils had the opportunity to compose, write, perform AND record a song! This related to their Covid experiences and ‘Life after Lockdown.’

This was a fantastic experience and all pupils felt it was enjoyable, confidence building and increased their self-belief in these challenging times.

Great fun was had by all, watch this space for our budding superstars!

Morriston Digital Leaders leading the way.

Amazing effort from our MCS Digital Leaders who have now completed Module 6 of their training on the ChildNet Digital Leaders Programme. Our MCS Digital Leaders have gained first position on the UK Digital Leader Leaderboard! We are looking forward to the team educating their peers about online safety next academic year.


Girls Welsh Football Academy Success

After weeks of trials and very hard work, Year 8 pupil Gracie has been offered a place in the FAW Girls Welsh Football Academy!! Gracie has worked extremely hard with hours of dedicated training and fantastic talent she has been invited to join the Academy. We wish her every success going forward and look forward to undoubtedly hearing about her future achievements!! Congratulations Gracie!!!