Science KS3

Key Stage 3

In Key Stage 3 we use the Activate Scheme of Learning to best prepare all our pupils for the rigours of Key Stage 4. The robust scheme allows pupils to develop in depth knowledge of:

  • Working Scientifically
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics

The pupils will receive an individual log in for Kerboodle, the online resource that works alongside the Activate scheme. Kerboodle will allow all pupils to access the online textbook and any worksheet set in class.

In year 9 we start the GCSE courses after the Easter break. This allows the pupils the opportunity to experience the course before the start of year 10.


The units for all of key stage 3 are:

Year 7

Working scientifically

B1.1 Cells

C1.1 Particles and their behaviour

P1.1 Forces

B1.2 Body systems

C1.2 Elements, atoms and compounds

P1.2 Sound

B1.3 Reproduction (leave plant reproduction if struggling for time)

C1.3 Reactions

P1.4 Space


Year 8

C1.4 Acids and alkalis

P1.3 Light

B2.1 Health and Lifestyle

C2.1 The periodic table

P2.1 Electricity and magnetism

B2.2 Ecosystem processes

C2.2 Separation techniques

P2.2 Energy

B2.3 Adaptation and Inheritance

C2.3 Metals and acids


Year 9

C2.4 The Earth

P2.3 Motion and Pressure

Medical matters (not Activate)

Reactions of metals (not activate)

Mini Assessments

Term 3 = GCSE