Photography Key Stage 4 | Ffotograffiaeth


Do you enjoy getting behind your camera and snapping away? Then this GCSE is for you! You can now take your hobby and utilise it as a GCSE. You will even learn new skills to enhance and develop your own work through the use of Photoshop and computer skills.

The course

The course begins with a coursework unit known as the Portfolio. You now get the chance to explore your own personal taste in art and experiment with your own individual styles. During this time you will develop and explore different Photography techniques through a variety of exciting workshops on Photoshop.

You then go on to the externally set task whereby you will explore different photography techniques to provide a body of work which would lead up to a final piece created in a 10 hour exam.

There is no need to have any special equipment such as expensive cameras as long as you have a way of taking a photograph and transferring it onto a computer. You can even do this by using the camera on your mobile phone!


60% – Portfolio
40% – Externally Set Task



After completing a GCSE in Photography you can go on to further develop your knowledge by completing an A level in Photography. This will build you a foundation for a career in the creative arts. There are a number of courses which you could undertake in order to specialise in this subject. The following careers require study in Art & Design:-

Advertising Fashion Interior/Industrial
Community Art Publishing Design
Broadcasting Art Therapy Artist
Graphic Design Teacher Film/animator
Illustration Decorator Photographer

This is not a course for just a few talented individuals – We all use photography in our everyday lives- So why not make yours into a GCSE!