Key Stage 4 Options | Opsiynau Cyfnod Allweddol 4

I am delighted to provide you with our 2022-year 9 Option Information brochure. I hope the information provided will help you and your child make informed decisions for next year.

Your child is nearing the end of Key stage 3 and about to make the most important decisions of their school life. The choices made about what subjects to study for the next two years may well have a major bearing on their future career and employment.

It is vital that pupils make informed and considered decisions and they fully understand the requirements of the courses. As parents and carers, you have a very important role in helping and guiding your child during this process. The aim of this brochure is to provide detailed information about the many subjects we offer and to explain the range of qualifications available.

All pupils starting in Year 10 in September 2022 will take two-year courses leading to GCSE or GCSE equivalent. All of the courses we offer will give your child the opportunity to gain a Level 2 outcome.

Level 2 qualifications – allow pupils to achieve grades A* – C

Level 1 qualification – allow pupils to achieve grades D – G


Your child, like all children in Wales, will follow a curriculum made up of the following compulsory subjects:
– English Language and English Literature

– Mathematics and Maths Numeracy

– Science: this will be Single Applied Science (worth one GCSE), Double Science or Double Applied Science (worth two GCSEs) or Triple Science (worth three GCSEs).

– Along with the three core subjects they will also be expected to study and gain GCSE qualifications in Welsh, Equality and Diversity and Welsh Baccalaureate (Skills Challenge).

Alongside the compulsory subjects your child will have the opportunity to choose three other ‘option’ subjects to study in Year 10 and 11, these will each be studied for 5 hours a fortnight.


In Morriston we offer a wide range of academic and vocational subjects to meet the needs, career aspirations and ability of all our learners. This brochure will give you details of all the subjects on offer; you will notice that some subjects are familiar and build on prior learning, whilst others will be new to our children.

I cannot overstress the importance of making the right choices for next year. It is vital that alongside this option brochure we will be providing subject talks and an option evening to support pupils and parents. We also encourage your child to speak with individual teachers if they need more information.

We look forward to the opportunity to work with and support you and your child through the GCSE option process.

M R Franklin