Graphic Design | Dylunio Graffig

DEPARTMENT LEADER: Mr. Nathan Williams

Subject Overview

Design and Technology is a unique subject in the curriculum that allows pupils to apply themselves both in a written and practical environment.  Pupils will have the opportunity to learn new skills in different disciplines covered within the subject.  These include Product Design, Textiles, Engineering, Creative Media and Construction.

The subjects allow pupils to apply innovative thinking to ideas to produce products and outcomes that can have an impact on a user.  The subject opens opportunities for pupils to design clothing, products, engineered parts and graphic products to communicate ideas and develop skills.

Key Stage 3

Year 7 pupils will be introduced to graphic design by undertaking a project based on sustainability and renewable energy. As well as researching this important topic, they will learn design skills and use CAD software to create logos and produce a poster campaign to educate people about the topic.

Year 8 pupils will be introduced to systems and control as they produce an electronic nightlight product. As part of this project, they will develop analytical skills, design skills and learn some simple electronic theory and build their own circuit board. They will also use CAD and CAM to produce their nightlight product.

Year 9 pupils who opt for graphics will get the opportunity to learn graphic design skills through producing a dedicated project on cover design. This popular project involves pupils in designing and using CAD software for producing cover designs for a range of products including console game covers, film covers and music album covers.

Key Stage 4

The Creative Media course is made up of three distinct units which help students develop their knowledge base and general skills in graphical design.  As part of the programme of study they will also investigate existing products, explore the target groups for their products and how to successfully market them.


The units studied are as follows:

Unit 1 – Creating a Proposal in Response to a Brief.

Through this unit, learners will apply their knowledge of professional practice in the graphic design industry in order to produce a creative proposal in response to a brief.


Unit 2 – Creating an Outcome in Response to a Brief

Through this unit, learners will apply the skills needed to produce a creative outcome that meets a given brief.


Unit 3 – Skills Development in Print Media Production. 

 Through this unit, learners will identify skills for development and use a range of techniques to develop those skills to meet their own success criteria.


Meet the team

Mr. Nathan Williams Product Design and Construction

Mr. Tomos Davies – Textiles

Mr. Andy Banbury – Creative Media

Mr. Lawrence Sutton – Engineering