A-Level Physics | Ffiseg Lefel A

Physics is the subject that helps us to understand nature from the smallest possible scale (deep inside the atom) to the largest conceivable scale (stretching across the entire Universe). Physics is about making predictions, testing them through observations and measurements, and devising theories and laws based on these observations. Physics at A Level is a practical subject and as a result you will develop advanced experimental skills and learn how to use your mathematical skills to make sense of experiments.

Where will success take me?

If you have an interest in studying anything to do with engineering, technology, maths, science, medicine, or computing at university or are simply interested in the way the world works then you should consider Physics as one of your options for A Level study.

Entry Requirements

It is recommended that any A Level Physics student has achieved GCSE grade B or above in Mathematics and at GCSE Science (double or separate)

Year Unit Title Details
AS 1 Motion, Energy and Matters Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes – 20% of qualification

You will study kinematics, projectile motion, dynamics, work, energy and power, astronomy, particle physics and material science.

2 Electricity and Light Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes – 20% of qualification

You will study electricity, D.C. circuits, quantum physics, Einstein’s photoelectrical effect, wave-particle duality, lasers and wave properties.

A2 3 Oscillations and Nuclei Written examination: 2 hour 15 minutes – 25% of qualification

You will study circular motion, oscillations and resonance, thermodynamics and nuclear physics.

4 Fields and Options Written examination 2 hours – 25% of qualification

A mix of short answer and extended answer questions with some set in a practical context. Option choice of 1 out of 4 options:

  • Alternating Currents,
  • Medical Physics,
  • The Physics of Sports,
  • Energy and the Environment.
5 Practical Assessment Practical examination – 10% of qualification

This examination involves an experimental task and a practical analysis task. They are 90mins & 60mins respectively and will contribute 10% of the marks for the qualification.


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