Geography | Daearyddiaeth


Subject Overview

Geography at MCS engages pupils with the big issues facing the Earth, our home. Pupils learn to explore Earth’s many challenges through a geographical perspective – from the refugee crisis, food and energy security to climate change and the terrible power of Earth-shaping forces. We aim to fascinate and inspire and make pupils curious to discover the world. We challenge them to make constructive decisions, becoming skilful and employable in the process.

Key Stage 3

Our key stage 3 syllabus focuses on developing a sense of awe and wonder about the Earth among our pupils. We equip pupils with the geographical skills required to progress to GCSE geography, while also reinforcing cross-curricular literacy, numeracy and ICT skills.

Year 7 pupils study the following topics: My ‘cynefin’ school-grounds fieldwork; Amazing places; Island homes: the British Isles; Fast fashion; the global fashion industry; Development in an unequal world.

Year 8 pupils study the following topics: Rethinking tropical rainforests; problem plastic; From the mountains to the sea: a river story; The modern Middle East; Population and cities; Migration: who goes where?

Year 9 pupils study the following topics: Restless World: tectonic hazards; Going to extremes: wild weather; Energy resources; Climate change; Mobile phones: a blessing or a curse; Dynamic Arctic.

Key Stage 4

The GCSE curriculum reflects the growing interest in issues such as global warming, migration, environmental damage, poverty, natural hazards and future supplies of energy, food and water.

Year 10 pupils study the following topics: 1) The landscapes, rivers and coastline of Wales; 2) Challenges and issues facing rural and urban places and their populations; 3) Volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis.

Year 11 pupils study the following topics: 1) Climate change, extreme weather and world environments; 2) Development and resource issues; 3) Social development challenges in sub-Saharan Africa.

Two fieldtrips also support GCSE study.


Fieldtrips are core component of geography at MCS. Year 7 pupils visit Saundersfoot to support their learning from the Amazing Places topic. Year 8 and 9 pupils will have the opportunity to participate in one further fieldtrip. Furthermore, we utilise the school grounds at key stage 3 to conduct an environmental quality enquiry.

The department also run a weekly eco-club with members responsible for auditing the sustainability of the school and developing their gardening skills in the school’s garden woodland area. In recent years members helped organise a Plastic Sucks competition, raised money for Fairtrade by baking and selling cupcakes and completed weekly recycling of classroom waste.

Members also take part in an extremely popular beach-clean, BBQ and camping trip at Llangennith in July each year.

GCSE pupils participate in fieldtrips to Tenby and Gower to study tourism impacts and coastal changes respectively.

The department also offer a number of extra-curricular opportunities. GCSE and A-level geographers visited Iceland in Easter 2019; a trip which will run every two-years.

The department also utilise guest speakers and workshops delivered by Swansea University to support learning about rainforests, tectonic hazards and sustainability.

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Meet the team

Mr Savagar.

Miss Hopkins