Wellbeing | Lles

Meeting the pastoral needs of our pupils is crucial if they are going to access education. When pupils join Morriston Comprehensive all pupils are assigned Progress Leader (Head of Year) who oversees the academic and social aspects of school life and a Form Tutor who supports the pupils’ first thing in the morning.

Our vision is that all pupils at Morriston Comprehensive School are happy, healthy, confident learners who feel safe and secure in school. Our Wellbeing team is dedicated to supporting our pupils from Year 7 to Year 13 in order for individual students to fulfil their potential.

Four Wellbeing officers provide a point of contact for pupils and their families and will liaise closely with Progress Leaders and other professionals, where necessary. There is a strong team approach with both the Progress Leader and Wellbeing Officer working collectively to balance academic and pastoral needs.

Please find below the key contacts here at Morriston Comprehensive school regarding any issue with your son or daughter. 

Please contact reception to get in touch.


Mrs N. Altman

Assistant Headteacher & Child Protection Officer. Leads the Wellbeing team at Morriston Comprehensive School

Mrs K. Terry

Family Engagement Officer



Pastoral Leaders

Year 7

Mr M. Britton,

Progress Leader


Year 8

Mr P. Greenway,

Progress Leader


Year 9

Miss F. Annandale,

Progress Leader


Year 10

Miss A. Green,

Progress Leader


Year 11

Miss R. Hopkins,

Progress Leader


Wellbeing Officers

Year 7

Mrs L. Williams,

Wellbeing Officer



Year 8

Mrs H. Cheley,

Wellbeing Officer


Year 9

Mrs H. Howells,

Wellbeing Officer



Year 10

Mrs K. Winkett,

Wellbeing Officer




Year 11

Mrs K. Davies,

Wellbeing Officer



Sixth Form

Mr S. Evans

Head of Sixth Form

Sixth Form

Mr R. Thomas-James,

Academic Tutor

Miss Rhiannon Evans
Our EWO supports the wellbeing team and families to ensure that pupils attend school regularly in order to achieve academically and progress socially. We set a goal of more than 94% attendance for all students as the school regularly highlights the strong link between excellent attendance and academic achievement.

This is a collection of apps that are designed to support young people, adults and families with their mental health and well-being. If you click on the image it will open the app site in a new window.