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Prizes were given at the end of the term for pupils in every year group. Awards were given for the pupils who have improved the most throughout the year, for 100% attendance and the most improved attendance as well as pupils who have gone over and above throughout the academic year so far. See information […]

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On Thursday 10th December 2020 Morriston Comprehensive School took part in a Christmas Jumper Day. The school raised £252.98 for charity and the money donated will be split between Save the Children and the Swansea Food bank. They will receive £100 and £152.98 respectively. In addition to the monetary donation to the food bank, the […]

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Please find links below to important information from Swansea Council, and Mr M. Franklin

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A chilly trip to Mewslade Bay with Y12 Geographers

  On Friday year 12 geographers visited Mewslade Bay as part of their topic on Glaciated Landscapes. The trip started with a ‘near-miss’ as Mr Todd, driving the school minibus dropped us off and left before we’d gathered our clipboards and equipment. Luckily, he returned a few minutes later. The trip began with a 1/2 […]

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Skate Park

Harri Williams in Year 7 wrote to Swansea City Council to ask if we could have a mobile skate park in the school or local community as he felt that it would be fun for him and the other pupils. This letter explains about the important of making pupils more active. Swansea City Council replied […]

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