There are books that have been recommended that you might like to read and Christmas Book ideas.
Please speak to Ms Butt in English for any more information.
Private File - Access ForbiddenThere are books that have been recommended that you might like to read and Christmas Book ideas.
Please speak to Ms Butt in English for any more information.
Private File - Access ForbiddenWomen of Steel – Girls on Tour: 12th November 2020
Ashleigh Davies, Caitlyn Alford, Tegan Evans, Divine N’Gossema, Rhianna Morgan, Caitlin Cooper, Thar Bevan, Megan Adams, Ella Thomas, Madison Turnbull, Madelyn Martell, Kacie- Lee Fyfield, Caitlyn Davies, Chloe Sloan, Tullia Phillips, Chloe- Angel Jamison, Kayla Burman- Evans, Paige Williams, Tabitha Thomas, Lauryn Ford, Natalia Dlugosz and Michaela Alemanno took part in the ‘Women of Steel- Girls on Tour’ event via TEAMS today (12th November 2020).
The event is organised with TATA Steel and The Wave Breakfast show. The girls heard from inspirational women who work in T.V., police, law, news, engineering, fashion and animal parks. The year 9 girls were impressed by their stories and benefited from their career advice and guidance. Inspired from the event, they have excitedly spoken about wanting to go to university and exploring careers based in the media, police, education and fashion.
Yellow Day
As a School, on Friday 9th October we took part in ‘Yellow Day’. ‘Yellow Day’ is something organised by the charity YoungMinds. YoungMinds works to improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people across the UK. Despite being a year group down we raised a total of £442.
Children In Need
As a School, on Friday 13th October we took part in ‘Children in Need’. Pupils in all year groups came in non-uniform and donated to the charity. The national fundraiser helps children and young people across the UK and run numerous projects to help disadvantaged leaners. We raised a total of £375. The Sixth form team would like to thank everyone who took part!
Mr S Evans
Dear Parent / Carer,
On Tuesday, the Education Minister made a very important announcement that there will be no end of year exams for GCSE, AS and A level qualifications in 2021.
The primary reason for her decision is that, due to COVID-19, the time learners will spend in schools and colleges will vary hugely and, it is impossible to guarantee a level playing field for exams to take place. She also highlighted that many learners are worried about the prospect of taking exams and the pressure they feel under to get through as much course content as possible.
What will replace the summer exams and how will the student’s grades be awarded?
At the present time we have very limited information on the detail of how student grades will be awarded. The information from the minister is;
Welsh Government have stressed that welsh students will not be disadvantaged when applying for or progressing to Higher or Further education. University offers should not change.
What does this mean for my child?
I hope this gives you some clarification on the situation; we will update you further when we receive details from Welsh Government, Qualifications Wales and the examination boards.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Mr M Franklin